Mark Bennett

Mark entered service in the 1960s and his formative years as far as music goes were the late 70s and the 80s.

His first appearance on local radio was for Pride FM in Derby in 1999 - during his first show the finishing touches were still being put to the studio! Despite this baptism of fire, Mark has become a regular on the radio and first found his taste for early starts in 2002, again for Pride FM, when he single-handedly claimed 3 weeks out of 4 all for himself, despite once being heard as saying "I can never do that!!".

During 2004, Mark was one of the team on the now closed Internet-only radio station CMP Radio, which allowed internet-users around the world to present their own radio shows live from their PCs at home. During this time, Mark clocked up over 50 appearances of the 'Episode' series.

Sometimes living in the past has its distinct advantages especially where the Erewash Sound Retro Show is concerned as Mark capably takes you back in time to some memories which have for many accumulated their fair amount of metaphorical dust over the years. 

During his tenure, Wake Up With Erewash became synonymous with the only breakfast alarm clock on the radio, and along with the Retro Show, train station jingles and announcements and of course, the immortal phrases ‘I ‘aven’t ‘erd it f’rages’ , Ian Perry's once mentioned slip, since repeated 'techtology' as well as his obligatory brand levelling phrase 'Other brands are available' - only once uttered, since seized and used by Mr. Bennett to the amusement of many.

From 3:00pm every Sunday, you can hear the obligatory phrases given the occasional airing, as well as 'Play One - Get One Free' and a great deal more, filling up your Sunday afternoon until 5:00pm.

Always 'five and twenty past' and rarely 'twenty five past' whatever hour it is, in real life Mark works in the railway industry presiding over track tests on specially equipped trains. In his spare (!) time he runs classic cars and also a 1971 built single deck Midland General Bristol RE bus that used to pound local streets, but Mr. B also regularly travels far and wide to experience rare airliners and foreign railways.

Mr B. (as he is often also known), can also be heard presenting Alternative 80s on Monday night from 7pm and The Rock Show from 8pm on Tuesday night.

Don't be surprised to hear Mark say that virtually anywhere and everywhere is part of the Erewash Valley - why shouldn't it be?

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