Here at Erewash Sound, we're a sociable bunch and we love a chat in person or on social media but did you know that there is now an additional way to get in touch and interact with us?
In addition to Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, for 2022, we're now on TikTok too!
We're not entirely sure what we're going to do with it just yet, but for now, Lewis has used the opportunity to show off our NEW (and likely to be highly exclusive!) branded umbrellas with an appropriate soundtrack from Rihanna.
(We hope he didn't open them indoors - it is bad luck isn't it?!)
However you do your social media, find us on social media - @erewashsound.
If you're a TikTokker, follow and share with us there now too, whatever we get up to across the Erewash borough - weather permitting - mind you, even if it DOES rain, we might well have forgotten to bring our new acquisitions!