Long Eaton Twinning Association

The Long Eaton Twinning Association involves tie-ups between the town and others in mainland Europe. Long Eaton is twinned with Romorantin-Lanthenay in France, and Langen in Germany. The Association is looking out for new members to get involved in exchanges and other related activities.

Some good friends have been made in Romorantin, France and Langen in Germany. You've probably seen these town names displayed on the Long Eaton road signs as you enter the town.

LANGEN is much the same size as Long Eaton. Most of the group's friends can speak English well as they start teaching it in their schools from the age of eight.

ROMORANTIN is also a lovely town in France, very pretty, with a river running through it. Most of the group's French friends who are involved with twinning also speak English and if they can't, a good laugh is had nevertheless, when basis school French is used. You know what a reputation the English have, when it comes to speaking a foreign language!

A few facts not exactly common knowledge!

2011 was the 50th Anniversary of twinning between the above townsAs a result of twinning, many lasting friendships have been formed and a considerable number of private visits have taken place. Each of the three towns has a most active and enthusiastic Twinning Committee, and there is little doubt that the spirit of friendship between us will go from strength to strength.

What is offered?

The opportunity to develop good new friendships and meet some lovely people - between school age and retirees with leisure time to fill - both from our twin towns and here nearer home. Our Long Eaton area twinners are a mixed and very friendly bunch whom you would like! They enjoy life.

Become a twinner

New members are particularly needed to accommodate guests - this is when occasional exchange visits are held locally.

It really will be a good time all round, home and abroad, and there will be an excellent programme, mixing social occasions, visits, free time with guests, and leading to plenty of amusement, pleasure and entertainment.

Are you interested?

Why not find out more and in greater detail?

You could email longeatontwinning(at)talktalk.net (Chris Wild, Secretary) or telephone 0115 9720647You could telephone 0115 9071115 (Sue Dunkley, Assistant Secretary)

There are also local group get-togethers such as boat trips, a visit and pub meal and similar so that members can keep in touch.

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