The Derbyshire Police Immediate Justice scheme has been demonstrating how it is changing lives and preventing re-offending.
The scheme helps those who cause harm in their community to change their behaviour for good, as shown by the feedback and reoffending rates.
One parent who participated said: “It’s really nice for my son to talk to someone and get support.”. A statement from Derbyshire Police said it was a great example of the real impact the scheme is having, with 77% of those completing the scheme not offending again.
Immediate Justice, launched in October 2023, provides community work to those who have committed crimes in their community, where a focus on changing behaviour is more suitable than traditional punishment via the criminal justice system.
Designed for both adults and young people involved in anti-social behaviour (ASB), the scheme helps individuals reflect on their actions, understand the consequences, and make lasting changes.
As part of the scheme, participants attend a workshop that teaches them what ASB really is, explores its impact, and focuses on constructive ways to move forward. Referrals to this scheme are evaluated by a specialist team, and our partner Remedi organises the community work, as well as offering mentoring and courses to the people they work with.
A statement from Derbyshire Police said that, collaboratively, society was not only making a difference in the lives of individuals, but also strengthening our community.
As evidenced by the low reoffending rate, once someone understands that their actions have negative consequences, and they want to change, this scheme helps them develop new skills and offers them a chance to make positive steps in this direction.
The courses also offer qualifications which can be used towards education and job applications.
From April 2024 to September 2024, feedback from participants include:
- 97% said they now have a better understanding of ASB.
- 94% felt they would handle similar situations differently in the future.
- 92% acknowledged the harm caused and took responsibility.
- 94% agreed the workshop was beneficial.
- 91% described the experience as positive overall.
During this period, police officers and officials have also seen:
- 238 adults and 121 young people participated in 211 ASB Awareness Programmes.
- 43 Restorative Justice processes were facilitated, giving victims a voice.
- Over 12,888 hours of community work were completed across 64 placements.
Those who have completed the scheme have shared how positive the experience has been:
“I’ve enjoyed coming; it’s helped me see things differently.”
"The session has been better than I thought. I can see the bigger picture now and understand that what I did could have been really dangerous."
If you want to find out more about Immediate Justice, please take a look on the Derbyshire Police website.