Police and Crime Commissioner calls for compulsory CCTV in taxis

Angelique Foster, Derbyshire Police and Crime Commissioner, is again pushing for compulsory CCTV in taxis across Derbyshire and Derby City.

The Commissioner, who has provided strong evidence to support the move in taxis across Derby City, has once again called on every local authority in Derbyshire to mandate CCTV in licensed taxis.

Last year, the Commissioner welcomed North East Derbyshire District Council's decision to become the first local authority in the county to make CCTV in taxis compulsory following her campaign. Saying that experience in other areas highlights that the cameras help to safeguard local residents as well as taxi drivers, she has continued to campaign for widespread installation across the county.

The Commissioner has recently responded robustly to Derby City Council's consultation on proposals for the mandating of CCTV in taxis and private hire vehicles.  In this, she stressed that the move would "aid in the prevention and detection of crime".

She also drew attention to data between January and September 2022 in which 129 incidents in Derbyshire were identified and investigated which related to the potential links between the use of taxis and child criminal exploitation (CCE). Additionally, she reported that during 2023, more than 87 taxis operating in areas assessed as being at increased risk to county line drug supply were stopped and engaged with.

Her response included the importance of alleviating personal safety concerns shared by some taxi passengers, particularly women and girls within the Night-Time Economy.  This is in-line with the multi-agency Derbyshire Violence Against Women and Girls Strategy and Action Plan, led by the Commissioner.

She said: "Everyone has the right to feel safe in a taxi, wherever they are and at whatever time of day or night.  I am confident that the introduction of compulsory CCTV in taxis will have a positive impact on the police's ability to tackle crime and capture offenders where crime does occur.  This will reduce the fear of crime which, through my continued discussions with residents, is shared by many members of the public.

"I will continue to call on Derbyshire's local authorities to adopt this approach.  It delivers numerous benefits to passengers, the police and the taxi operators.

"Public safety is paramount and any practical steps we can take to reduce risk or vulnerability must be fully embraced because they have the potential to save lives. I call on all our local authorities to consider the serious merits of this proposal and voice their support through the official channels."

DCI Matt Croome, Missing and Exploitation Manager at Derbyshire Constabulary, who also contributed to the Commissioner's consultation response, said: "I feel the consultation around mandated CCTV in taxis is an extremely positive step to protecting vulnerable people from serious organised crime and exploitation and strengthening the safety within our communities. Derbyshire Constabulary have already seen first-hand, how evidence from in-vehicle CCTV can help bring to justice the controlling minds of county line drug gangs, whilst allowing the police and partner agencies to identify and safeguard vulnerable people.

"It is also key that taxi and private car drivers feel safe when undertaking their jobs, and they are afforded the added security to deter criminal gangs who may want to use coercion, intimation, or violence to persuade drivers to traffic illegal drugs and people."

Previously, Derbyshire Constabulary used footage taken from a taxi CCTV camera to assist in providing evidence to tackle a County Line that exploited young people while also taking advantage of vulnerable adults in Derby City.

The crucial footage enabled officers to submit compelling evidence which led to the successful prosecution of 11 individuals who received more than 40 years behind bars.

Meanwhile, a number of vulnerable children were identified and safeguarded from the gang.

A response to Derby City Council's consultation can be submitted via this link.

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