Nearly 700 Derbyshire businesses have already benefited from free support to improve their energy efficiencies and growth, thanks to a project being promoted by The East Midlands Chamber.
The Accelerator, which started last autumn, and funded by UK Government through the UK Shared Prosperity Fund, is seen as having already made a tangible difference to businesses across the county.
So far, over 400 businesses have received an hour or more of Business Adviser support which guides them in accessing the most appropriate support, whether it be the raft of initiatives that make up the Accelerator Project, or local authority or national grant funding.
Of the businesses supported so far, there has been almost a 50:50 split of those in urban and rural areas. Some 53 businesses have tapped into growth vouchers of up to £2,000 towards specialist training or consultancy advice and 50 have taken advantage of fully subsidised energy audits.
Of the grants and growth vouchers awarded to participating businesses, it is anticipated that 62 jobs will be created or safeguarded as a result of this support.
East Midlands Chamber Deputy Chief Executive Diane Beresford said: “We are already seeing the Accelerator’s fully-funded energy audits making a tangible difference to businesses across the county. We all know it makes business sense to reduce energy usage, but every business needs a starting point when it comes to understanding their current usage and before they can consider improving their business operations and practices. An energy audit carried out by an expert shows a business exactly what’s needed to reduce costs and provides the evidence needed to apply for a decarbonisation grant.”
Derbyshire County Council Cabinet Member for Clean Growth and Regeneration Councillor Tony King said: “This investment to support businesses in Derbyshire to be greener and more efficient is most welcome and it’s great to hear how local companies are benefitting.
“The Accelerator Project builds on the success of our own Green Entrepreneurs Fund which supported businesses, organisations communities and individuals interested in developing skills in the green economy and investing in green energy and carbon reduction schemes.
“I’d encourage any local business to consider signing up to the Accelerator Project to help reduce their costs as well as their carbon emissions.”
Businesses interested in signing up for an energy audit or in finding out more about decarbonisation grants available in their area, can do so by selecting their local authority area and completing the Expression of Interest at: www.d2n2growthhub.co.uk/accelerator.