With Bonfire Night just around the corner, Derbyshire Police have issued a reminder on how people can stay safe and adhere to the law.
A statement stressed that it is against the law to set fireworks off between 11:00pm and 7:00am, but added that there are exceptions to this, which are:
🔥 Bonfire Night (5th November) up until midnight.
🥳 New Years Eve, Diwali and Chinese New Year until 1:00am the following day.
❌ It is also illegal for anyone under the age of 18 to buy or carry fireworks. Throwing or setting off fireworks in the streets is also against the law.
Officers from the local Safer Neighbourhood Teams will be patrolling in the run up to and throughout Bonfire Night, and working with partners to prevent anti-social behaviour.
Advice from Derbyshire Police is to attend an organised event as the safest way to enjoy a bonfire and firework display, but said that those planning on using fireworks at home, should ensure that they make themselves aware of the law and to read through relevant safety advice.