Volunteers from a locally based group for Fibromyalgia sufferers and their carers have been awarded an MBE - a Queen's Award for Voluntary Service.
Julie Barker, Chairperson for FibroActive used the group's newsletter for the month of June to break the news. She said: "Ive had some time to digest this incredible news, but it still hasnt sunk in what we have achieved. Our volunteers have been honoured with the highest award a voluntary group can receive in the UK.
Looking back to our inaugural meeting in September 2016, I spoke about us all being discarded by the employment sector because our illness has made us unpredictable. However, we still have the skills and working together as a team, we could be a formidable force. I think most people attending looked at me in disbelief!"
Julie works with Treasurer Jane Gordon to steer the group, using knowledge and expertise gained from the volunteer sector over the past 30 years. She added: "The growth of the group is a reflection of our own personal growth and I am delighted that our volunteers at Fibro Active has been recognised for the bespoke support we give our members and the additional service we give to the community."
She used the newsletter to express a special vote of thanks to volunteer committee members and professionals past and present who grasped the concept of the group. She said: "They have gifted their time and expertise to enable sufferers to move forward and have a life with Fibro/CFS/ME.
"We have been able to deliver a crucial support service that the NHS could not afford in time or money to the 1 in 20 sufferers in our community. This support extends globally via our website and articles published in the UK Fibromyalgia magazine. I would also like to acknowledge our members who come through the door on their darkest days and over time have been empowered to give back to group taking on a variety of fun and rewarding volunteer opportunities."
The Queen's Award for Voluntary Service is the highest award given to local volunteer groups across the UK to recognise outstanding work done in their own communities. It was created in 2002 to celebrate the anniversary of The Queen's coronation. It is the MBE for volunteer groups.
FibroActive is based at Petersham Community Hall on Grasmere Road in Long Eaton. It usually meets on Tuesdays 11:00am-1:00pm and and runs gentle walks on the last Sunday of each month from 10:30am. Memmbership is free. Visit www.fibroactive.co.uk for more information.