DWT responds after Borough Council 'U-turn' on Pewit nature site

Arthur Clowes (credit: EBC)

The Derbyshire Wildlife Trust has reacted over what is describes as a 'u-turn' over plans for a new nature reserve on the site of the now closed Pewit Golf Course in Ilkeston, which would have allowed residents to enjoy it in perpetuity.

At the time, a public consultation found that residents were overwhelmingly in favour of the original plans drawn up by ecologists.

But, in a statement issued by DWT, it said that the borough council had made a u-turn on the promise with proposals to sell seven acres of the site.  A recent report from the authority states that “planning permission, whilst informal at present, would likely be forthcoming,”, which, it said, indicated that the sale could lead to building on the site.  

Councillors are now being urged to vote down these proposals at a public council meeting on 15th February at 6:30pm

Derbyshire Wildlife Trust has launched a campaign asking local residents to defend nature and take back space for people to enjoy. The Trust has created a form by which residents can contact councillors to request they revoke this decision and look at alternative options.  

Scott Blance, Advocacy Manager at Derbyshire Wildlife Trust said: “Erewash Borough Council promised the entirety of the old Pewit golf course would be transformed into a haven for wildlife, publicly accessible for the people of Ilkeston to enjoy. 

“We need to make more space for nature, not remove what little we have left. The Council have already authorised the sale of 10 pieces of greenspace in Ilkeston. This latest development would remove yet more from the area, disproportionately targeting residents and local services. Derbyshire Wildlife Trust appreciates the pressure on local authorities to deliver housing, but this shouldn’t be on land set aside for wildlife and the community.  

“A public consultation found that residents were overwhelmingly in favour of the original plans drawn up by ecologists. This scheme ignores the wishes of local people and, given the Council’s stated commitment to the environment and original design for the site, is an unacceptable loss of space for nature. We urge the Council to change course and ask the residents of Erewash to make their voices heard.” 

Erewash residents can use this form to contact councillors and urge them to revoke the decision. 

Details of the public meeting can be found here. 

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