More than 2,260 people completed Police and Crime Commissioner Nicolle Ndiweni-Roberts' online survey determining how much residents are prepared to pay to maintain a strong and effective policing service - the highest ever response to a police budget poll in Derbyshire.
Since her election in May 2024, Nicolle has empowered residents across Derbyshire's diverse communities to use their voice and play an active role in her plans to improve their safety, and she pledged to carefully consider the views of residents before making any final decisions on the 2025-26 policing budget.
Approximately 60% of police funding in Derbyshire comes from a central government grant. The remainder comes from the police precept (the money local people pay towards policing in their council tax) to enable the Commissioner to maintain the force's capabilities, sustain visibility and bring more offenders to justice.
Of the 2,265 residents who responded to the PCC's survey, more than 75% said they were in favour of an increase of £12 or more, while 68.5% said they were in favour of an increase of £15 or more in the money they pay towards policing to help keep Derbyshire safe.
More than 180 responses were received in each Local Authority area with support for a rise consistent across all demographics, with mostly 70% or more of residents from each group backing an increase of £12 or more.
Nicolle said: "I am hugely grateful to residents for sharing their views and for their support for policing and community safety. Working alongside partners, we have ambitious plans to reduce risk and address key areas of harm in our communities as determined by the public in my original Police and Crime Plan consultation. These priorities require investment, and I am pleased an overwhelming number of residents are supportive of our approach.
"In these challenging economic times, I do not underestimate the impact of higher costs on residents and families. Working closely with the Chief Constable, I will do everything possible to maximise the yield from their investment so that people feel and see a tangible difference in their communities. Together, we will build a safer and stronger Derbyshire."