Angelique Foster, Derbyshire Police and Crime Commissioner, has boosted still further the work to tackle Anti-Social Behaviour.
In fulfilling her Police and Crime Plan priority to crack down on anti-social behaviour (ASB), the Commissioner has developed a new initiative which will see a dedicated "ASB BUS" in areas facing problems from ASB.
The project will be delivered by the Supporting Communities team, from the charity Sporting Communities. The team will work in partnership with key organisations such as local councils, Derbyshire Constabulary and housing associations to provide a safe and engaging space where young people can meet and interact to divert them from ASB.
Equipped with video and audio equipment, gaming consoles and internet access, the bus will travel throughout Derby and Derbyshire to locations where youth ASB has been identified as a persistent problem.
Staff will work closely with young people to build positive relationships and provide mentorship and guidance. The bus will also provide a safe space for the initiation of targeted conversations around wellbeing, education, drug and alcohol misuse, knife crime, domestic abuse, sexual health and fire safety to help young people make safer choices.
Police and Crime Commissioner Angelique Foster said: "The youth bus is an innovative concept, helping to build stronger and more positive relationships between agencies and young people. The Bus will help instigate conversations around safety to protect young people at risk of ASB, crime or exploitation and deter them from congregating on the streets where they could come to harm.
"Prevention is a key theme running throughout my Police and Crime Plan. This project will complement other proactive investment in our communities including the delivery of hotspot policing patrols and a new Immediate Justice service, all of which demonstrate how seriously we take ASB and how determined we are to make our communities safer, stronger and more resilient to this behaviour in the future."
Ben Rigby, Managing Director of Sporting Communities, added: "We're thrilled to have been asked by the Derbyshire Police and Crime Commissioner to provide additional much needed support to young people and communities across Derbyshire and Derby City."